Are you running an event which is about health, fitness, food or wellness in London? Add it to our calendar and gain more exposure!
Just fill in the form below. You’ll receive an email when your event has been reviewed and published.
Every week we like to promote at least one event that’s coming up on our Instagram and Twitter channels, so please don’t forget to add your website when adding your event. This is so our readers can get more information about the event and potentially book their places!
* We reserve the right to remove events which are not related to health and fitness or based in London at our discretion.
Please note: We reserve the right to determine which events are suitable event submissions for publication. Events which aren’t to do with health, fitness, food or wellness will not be publish, nor will any events promoting what we believe is unhealthy behaviour, e.g. weight-loss. We are currently only accepting London-based events.
[add_evo_submission_form rdir=”no” msub=”yes” ]
If you have any questions or would like to submit a photo to go alongside your event, please email us here