Susie aka Gourmet Glow, raved so much about Bronte’s Cafe, a must-visit healthy haven in Cobham, Surrey* that we decided it would be a good idea to find out more about the owner, Sam Slipper, and get her insight on tips for healthier eating.

Just one of the delicious and healthy items on the menu at Bronte’s Cafe.
The name, Bronte’s Cafe, was inspired directly by Bronte Beach in Sydney. 20 years ago, Sam found herself living there whilst on a back-packing trip. It was love at first site; not only with the natural swimming there but also the healthy cafe culture, all of which served fresh salads, juices and most importantly, amazing coffee. There was nothing like that in the UK at the time.
I hope you love it, because that’s what it made of.
~ Sam Slipper, owner of Bronte’s Cafe
Move forward many years and Sam is married with two young boys and a labrador, living in Cobham. Even though she loved the thriving, friendly High Street and local exercise classes, there was something missing. Where were the organic juices and carefully crafted flat whites? Not one to be kept waiting, Sam decided to solve this problem herself. She wanted an independent health-focused cafe with a welcoming environment and properly made coffee. So combining her passion for food, health, travel, design, photography and the environment, the idea for Bronte’s Cafe was born! But healthy eating establishments aren’t built overnight; 2014 was spent visiting all of London’s best cafes, following key food and coffee influencers on Instagram and reading all the top healthy cook books. After a year of research, having collated all her inspiration from travels to Australia, California and New York, Sam’s vision for Bronte’s Cafe was defined. In early 2015, Sam found a suitable location, instructed builders, hired her amazing manager, designed the cafe, found local suppliers and finally opened its doors to the public in September 2015.
If you pay it a visit today, you’ll discover freshly and filling sandwiches and salad and of course, the best coffee in town.
Sounds inspirational? We think so too.
Sam Slipper’s Top 5 Tips for Healthier Eating
Everything in moderation. Apart from water – drinks loads of that! Especially when you’re bombarded with the latest news telling you what to eat more of and what to avoid, often with conflicting advice, it can be hard to know what you should be eating. Ultimately, if you eat too much of anything, it can be bad for you. So what to do? Eat a varied diet and yes, include a little bit of what you fancy when you feel like it!
Eat the rainbow. Take a look at your plate – it is one colour? Or do you have a variety of colours, including yellow, green, red and purple? Doesn’t your food look more appealing with more colours? One rule to follow is to eat with your eyes – the more colourful the better and remember, green is always good.
Load up on herbs and spices. There’s two reasons for this; firstly, even if you’re not a great chef, you can make anything taste delicious with herbs and spices. Secondly, you’ll find it tastes so good, you won’t need to add any salt. With so much sugar and salt hidden in practically all pre-made food, the only way to be sure of what you’re eating is to cook at home.
Be brave. Create your own dishes. Who knows what delicious food you may rustle up? There’s so many different recipes online to use as inspiration and if you don’t like an ingredient, swap it with another. I guarantee you’ll find your home-cooking so much tastier than anywhere else!
Eat happy. Enjoy your meals with family and friends. It’s a great way to catch up and connecting with people is essential for happiness. And happiness often results in a healthier lifestyle.
Read Susie’s review of Bronte’s Cafe here.
* Not too far out of London.
Thanks for the tips. I am looking forward to getting back in shape this coming year and intend to start with my eating/nutrition. I will be implementing several of the suggestions from above. Thank you for the insight!