Happy Heads Granola is small batch luxury granola, started by a mother and son who were inspired by Susie Morrison of @gourmetglow to start their own brand.

Social Media is a strange place; on one hand, this behemoth presence in your life that you long to break free from, on the other, a network of individuals whose sole purpose is to be a cheerleader to your personal game. I am learning that for every negative that social media throws at me, it is far outweighed by the positives. Learning not to do disservice to my cheerleaders by focusing on that sole negative has made it a much more habitable space for me. I have connected with so many wonderful people, who, just like myself are trying to clamber up to the light through the jungle of life.
One such connection I made was a mother and son who seemed to like the style of what I do. As it happens, we engaged, and that engagement grew to regular affirmations of each other’s worth and value. It was truly uplifting in difficult times just to hear a kind word.
So, when they asked me to try their newly launched granola I was flattered, but dubious. Anyone who knows me, knows that I pride myself in making everything I can from scratch, including granola. Ingredients I source must tie in with my own personal ethos surrounding provenance and nutrition. I wanted to support them but a part of me was thinking that that’s all it would be… a trial and then back to my own homemade granola with a polite word here and there.
How wrong could I be? From the off, the packaging adorned with a smiley face logo had me smitten, its just so, well, happy! I was privileged enough to be gifted the entire range, consisting of three flavours: Original, Swedish Chokladbollar & Raspberry and White Chocolate. The Swedish Chokladbollar came in the most adorable glass jar, complete with wooden and leather lid, a stunning gift and sustainable to boot.

All ingredients are organic and naturally sourced and combine to form a product that I would happy buy above making my own. Not too sweet, but not so devoid of sugar you feel as though you are doing penance (and depriving our avian friends) by eating it. It’s well flavoured with the MOST AMAZING crunch that almost melts as much as it crunches. I honestly can’t rate this enough.

My personal favourite was the Swedish Chokladbollar. Rich in cacao, coconut and coffee, it
really is divine. If I am totally honest, I didn’t eat a single bowl of this ‘breakfast style’, it was too good for that. This graced desserts from ice cream to macerated berries and stewed fruits as a ready-made ‘crumble’.
If I was to make one criticism, the bags are too small. And I say that honestly, the regulations for granola consumption, to me are honestly absurd… who eats a tablespoon of granola at a serving? Especially when it is this moreish.
At £6.50 for 350g, or £10 for 600g, its not Kellogg’s prices, but it’s not a Kellogg’s product. This is a superior granola, made with the best possible ingredients in small batches by hand. Put like that, it’s a steal.
So, if you are looking for a unique gift for yourself or a loved one, a bag of Happy Heads Granola can do no wrong. Better yet, get a starter pack which comes with a glass jar and a taster of each granola:
Starter pack (250g): £22.00
Starter pack (400g): £30.00
Buy yours here: www.happyheadsfoodco.com
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