We sent Healthy Living London’s Lucinda to try out Vitamin Injections London’s energy boosting intravenous (IV) and intramuscular (IM) injections. Read on to find out why you should consider ditching the oral supplements in favour of a jab in the buttocks..
Upon arriving at Vitamin Injections flagship clinic in central London, I was given an extensive questionnaire to complete, which provided my practitioner Bianca Estelle, who is also the founder of VI London, with insight into my medical history as well as past and current complaints. After the consultation, Bianca told me I have adrenal fatigue and prescribed me with the Myers Cocktail, to be administered intravenously and a Vitamin B12 Energy Shot (IM) intramuscular injection in my buttock.

“Give your body exactly what it needs, where it needs it,” VI London
Somewhat tentatively, I climbed on the bed, and as I’m not great with needles at the best of times, asked, will it hurt?! Bianca has a very calming bedside manner, and quickly put me at ease, reassuring me at every stage of the process.
What I noticed was that as the vitamin cocktail was injected into my arm, my senses became very acute, in particular taste and smell. I asked if it was scented or flavoured and her eyes lit up as she asked me if I can taste it? I said “yes,” and she said “that’s great” and tells me “your body really needs this.” The taste was my body’s response to the VI as it draws out the toxins from my bloodstream. The only other side effect, which is also quite normal is that my arm felt quite heavy, which is due to the VI being of a slightly lower temperature to my body. The sensation quickly passed.
I was shocked to learn how low the absorption rates are for oral vitamin supplements, which I have become accustomed to consuming daily. Bianca informed me that after they have passed through the stomach and intestines, the body only absorbs around 10% of the vitamin. The other factor I am surprised to learn is that the casing surrounding many capsule supplements can put extra pressure on your organs, specifically the stomach and kidneys as it breaks this down. In comparison, your body will absorb 99% of the vitamins that are injected intravenously.
I left feeling energised, inspired and eager to find out how I fair over the following days, as I am told the effects are long lasting..
As well as helping clients recover from diseases and their treatments, including cancer, chemotherapy, Parkinson’s and arthritis, Bianca says the most common complaint clients are looking for help with is a cure for their fatigue. She has successfully restored worn out mothers, stressed out city workers and those with more serious and debilitating chronic or adrenal fatigue symptoms back to health with the wide range of treatments she offers. And there’s some good news for couples who are struggling to conceive; vitamin injections can also help improve fertility.
If your immune system or energy levels need a boost, the Myers Cocktail intravenous (IV) injection is the perfect solution and antidote to flu and viral illnesses. Each cocktail contains vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, vitamin C, magnesium and calcium, giving your body the health boost it needs.
Vitamin B12 Energy Shots are an ideal pick me up if you’re feeling run down, stressed out and fatigued. They can also help preserve the body’s natural energy resources as well as give your metabolism a boost.
On the subject of supplements, Bianca prescribed me a month’s supply of transdermal vitamin skin patches, which make it easier than ever to get essential vitamins into our bodies. The vitamin B12, B Complex and D3 patches look much like a small circular plaster and can be worn discreetly on various points around the body from the arm, abdomen, lower back, inner thigh or on top of the foot. Applied daily to clean skin in the morning, typically one patch can be worn for up to 12 hours, providing continual supplementation throughout the day.
Vitamin Skin Patches permeate the skin, bypassing the acidic environment of the stomach lining and digestive system, which means that the body absorbs a much larger concentration of the vitamin medication. The patches are easy-to-use. They adhere to the surface of the skin, delivering vitamin-rich medication directly into the bloodstream and save you the hassle of consuming an excessive amount of oral tablets or relying on expensive injections.
The Vitamin B12 patch is great for improving overall health, from muscle pain, weak bones, poor vision, mood and memory function. This vitamin is vital for the functioning of the digestive systems and defending the body against harmful viruses and bacteria. It is an important nutritional supplement, known to help control blood sugar spikes as well as benefiting those who suffer from low energy and fatigue.
Vitamin B Complex plays an important role in assisting the metabolism of the body by supporting the brain, nervous and immune systems. If you suffer from lethargy, dementia, stress-related disorders, including panic attacks, high blood pressure, weight loss or lack of mental clarity, these symptoms could be indicative of a deficiency in this vital vitamin.
The Vitamin D3 patch helps your body overcome deficiencies that plague many of us living in the northern hemisphere and working long hours in the city, due to a lack of exposure to sunlight. The indications you have a deficiency in this vital vitamin include: stress and fatigue, anxiety and depression, allergies, asthma, cold and flu, cardiovascular disease and neuropathic pain.
I was really impressed by Bianca’s knowledge, passion and treatments at Vitamin Injections London. The injections are a considerable investment, but are also highly effective. I truly believe that our health is out greatest wealth and will always seek to invest in this as much as I can. With that said, I appreciate that the high price of the injections are not within everyone’s budget and would therefore highly recommend the vitamin patches. They are more expensive than the cocktail of capsule vitamin supplements I have been taking, but I definitely felt the health benefits of continual use over the month. My energy levels were higher, I felt my immune system was more robust and I was happy not to be swallowing a handful of pills each day. I also enjoyed their convenience for travelling. No need to pack chunky pillboxes. The slim patch packaging takes up a minimal amount of space.
Who’s it for: Everyone
How much: Full Price List
Myers Cocktail (IV) – £150
B12 (IM) – £50
Vitamin Patches – one month supply – £45
Website: www.vitamininjections.co.uk
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