Having spent a month in India last year receiving Ayurvedic treatment I have become a true believer in this way of being. Sanskrit for ‘The Science Of Life’ Ayurveda stems from ancient Vedic Culture and is believed to be the mother of all healing. Through balancing the mind, body and consciousness, this holistic approach places emphasis on prevention rather than cure. Indeed, the results that emerged from my own experience took months to manifest, and did so in such a discreet way that I was almost unaware. The astounding thing is that the gift of hindsight shows you just how far you have healed without even knowing.

When I was asked to review Ojamin, an Ayurvedic Tonic for Diabetics and Daily wellness, I was excited but naturally sceptical. Ayurveda in the West has become somewhat of a fashion, with spin doctors jumping on the bandwagon at any opportunity. The result has been a market too saturated with products that have no real grounding, that the genuine article goes unnoticed.
Developed by Mr L K Tate in response to his Diabetes Diagnosis, Ojamin claims to ‘Promote inner body cleansing, maintaining immune defences whilst assisting in balancing blood sugar levels.’ It’s a tall order, yet, Mr Tate, a strong believer in the power of nature and nurture claimed that ‘by relieving one person, my life is extended by one day’. He lived to 100. I rest my case.
Ojamin is available by the bottle, in capsules or in single dose sachets, which I was using. Completely herbal, it is entirely free from sugar, fat and artificial sweeteners. It is also vegan and gluten-free making it suitable for anyone to try. The ingredients are extensive and varied, from fruits to herbs and barks. All are sourced from pristine forests across south east Asia and beyond, far away from pollution, artificial fertilisers and GMOs. Using the unique RareXtract process, the potent bio actives are extracted but maintain their natural properties and efficaciousness.
I took time to research each individual plant, and its use in Ayurvedic medicine. Not surprisingly most are concerned with the lowering of blood sugar (okra, bitter melon, hari taki and so on…) but many are also antioxidants (Bael, Neem), Anti inflammatory (turmeric, watermelon), stomatic (Java plum) and involved in lowering cholesterol (cumin, fenugreek).
So, what did I experience over 2 months? First the taste…. can I say it’s acquired? I wouldn’t describe it as pleasant but its not unpalatable. Somewhere between syrup of figs and cough mixture with an underlying savoury note. At 5ml per dose it’s no hardship to swallow it and get on with your day. What did strike me was how similar both the smell and taste were to the treatments I has received in Kerala. The olfactory experience took me straight back to the clinic… so I knew this must have at least some grounding.
As with any new treatment, I was naturally looking for that day where I woke up and suddenly felt ‘better’ like I would spring out of bed, magically transformed into a new sprightly being, raring to go and chomping at the bit. But…. That never happened. But still I’m a convert. Why, do you ask? Well, just like my true Indian Treatment, I am still reaping the benefits, and I know I will continue to do so. Looking back, I need my hair cut much more often, its growing more than ever, its thicker and shinier even though I’ve ditched my expensive shampoos with the Christmas splurge. My skin, well, being a chef, I am a walking wound…but give me a day and they’ve healed and gone. My face is smoother with a more even complexion and I just feel a little more like ‘me’. Hard to put your finger on but that’s how Ayurveda works… it creeps up on you over the months and years, it’s not a quick fix but it has longevity… as long as you treasure your body, the results keep coming.
A month’s supply is expensive, but I will personally invest, both for myself and my family. With a family history of pre diabetes, I’m convinced in the authenticity of this product and its ability to keep blood sugar levels low and general health at its optimum.
I am so very grateful to have sampled this product, and will continue to use it or as long as my means allow.
More Information
How much: Ojamin Herb & Fruit is £29.99 for 250ml and will last one month when taken twice a day
Where from: You can buy Ojamin from their website. They have details there of additional stockists including Amazon
Website: ojamin.com
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