Thanks to everyone who participated!
Well done to @mazmichel and @msatti97 . They have won 2 tickets, plus an awesome goodie bag to An Evening Of Mindfuel.
Benenox Overnight Recharge have teamed up with The School of Life, a global organisation dedicated to making the world a more emotionally intelligent place, to create a unique evening of mindfuel. Benenox have kindly offered Healthy Living London readers two sets of tickets, plus a goodie bag, to An Evening Of Mindfuel at the Shoreditch Studios on the 1st November. See below for details on how to enter.
What is Benenox?
Benenox Overnight Recharge is a combination of three ingredients which when taken before bed, supplements your body’s energy levels to support a better quality of sleep and helps you to wake-up feeling recharged.
- Honey is not only delicious, but is also packed full of so many health benefits such as antioxidants which help reduce the risk of some cancers and heart disease. Benenox loves honey as it contains fructose and glucose which supports your liver’s role in helping you get a better night’s sleep. Your liver turns these sugars into glycogen which your brain uses to repair and restore overnight.
- Sustamine helps the liver to store glycogen and ensures slow, steady release of the glycogen throughout the night helping to fuel your brain whilst you sleep. Sustamine combines the amino acids L-Glutamine and L-Alanine to assist with hydration and studies suggest it may even support immune and intestinal health.
- Vitamin B6 has many beneficial qualities including the regulation of hormonal activity as well as reducing tiredness and fatigue.
These ingredients help to…
- Reduce tiredness and fatigue
- Support your mental function
- Maintain normal energy production
Benenox is available in two flavours; Blackcurrant Flavour and Lemon & Ginger Flavour. Both liquids are 135ml with nine servings of 15ml each. Healthy Living London loves the Blackcurrant Flavour added to hot water, yum, but you can also drink the liquid straight-up! We found Benenox helped overcome jet-lag and improved energy levels. It also tastes pretty good!
Benenox is currently available at Amazon and Tesco.
Go.Do.Be.Inspired. An Evening Of Mindfuel
Six inspirational speakers will discuss and challenge our mental and creative abilities.
The speakers:
- Professional Improviser: JP Flintoff, who will demonstrate how anyone can use improv or in-the-moment inspiration to succeed in any situation.
- Head of Content at The School of Life: Sarah Stein Lubrano, who will discuss how you can unlock your inner creativity.
- Philosopher: Dr Brennan Jacoby, who will talk from a philosophical point of view on how to make change.
- Founder of Pip & Nut: Pippa Murray who will talk about her experiences and discuss how you can think like an entrepreneur. (Check out Pip & Nut’s Marinated Strawberries and Almond Butter Sourdough recipe by Pippa Murray.)
- Dance Psychologist: Dr Peter Lovatt, who explores how dancing can change the way we think through an interactive session.
- Award-Winning Author and Lecturer: Robert Rowland Smith, who will explain and analyse dreams on the spot!
Win Tickets
Benenox have kindly given Healthy Living London readers the chance to win 2 tickets, plus one awesome goodie bag, to An Evening Of Mindfuel. We have two sets to give away.
If you would like to win these tickets and a goodie bag:
- Follow @theschooloflifelondon on Instagram
- Follow @benenox on Instagram
- Follow @healthylivinglondon on Instagram
- Comment on our Instagram (@healthylivinglondon) under the picture of the Benenox goodie bag and tell us about your favourite mindfuel place or activity in London.
Winners will be chosen at random and notified on the 27th October. The tickets and goodie bag will be available for you to collect at the venue on the 1st November from 6pm. Good Luck!
If you don’t win tickets, don’t worry as you can grab yourself a free ticket on their website, but you won’t get an awesome goodie bag!
*Health Advice: It is advisable to consult with your doctor before using any new product.
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