New Year’s Resolutions are such cliches, something to talk about on the 31st December, become hazy by the 2nd Jan, and totally forgotten by the 15th Jan… so we have decided to be more goal-specific. We have all done a lot in 2014, but where from here…. what does 2015 bring? Since Healthy Living London is all about 3 girls on their own different journeys we thought it would be interesting for us to document now what we want to achieve and then… well you can see if we do!

No, I’m not sleeping.
After a rather disappointing end to 2014 (I got ill and had to cancel several obstacle course races and my fitness went down), I’m determined to make 2015 my best year yet! As a result, I’ve limited my goals to 10 to keep them attainable and given each a precise outcome and schedule. I’m also happier when helping others and so this year I’ll be working to bring my skills and passions together to create something great. BRING IT ON!
- Spend at least 20 minutes a day meditating.
- Realise when I’m wasting time (when I want to do something but do something else instead so nothing gets done e.g. I intend to write a blog post but get distracted by Instagram instead).
- Eat at least one portion of greens a day – I’m actually very bad at this but have gotten better by putting spinach in my smoothies. However, I need to branch out and be more varied, incorporating all the other greens into my meals too.
- Complete my 3 fitness goals: meditate at least once a day for 20 minutes, qualify as a personal trainer and get 3 clients to start with that I make a proven and long-lasting difference for by July 2015, take part in an obstacle course race and get a time that puts me in the top 50 of competitors.
I want to continue my fitness journey and continue to move towards my ideal body shape/dress size. Most of all though I want to maintain stability in my mental health and this goes hand in hand with exercise for me. So if I had to make some specific and realistic goals they are:
- Allow more time for meditation. Whilst I have started to incorporate it – I want to make it much more routine and regular – my aim is 3 times a week and at least 15 mins each.
- To incorporate running more frequently into my regime again – I would love to run a 10k race under 1 hour. (My last race I was 2 mins off so this should be possible if I try!)
- To keep up regular yoga practice and to eventually do an unassisted headstand for at least 10 seconds!
- To continue strength training and be able to do an unassisted pull up by the end of the year!
- Improve my healthy cooking skills. (My poor boyfriend Mo has been served up some healthy but truly disgusting meals of late)
- Not lose sight that this is a gradual journey. To not forget how far I already have come even though it feels like I still have such a long way to go.
- To not compare myself to others – we are all on our own paths, have different motivations, different metabolisms, bodies, lives.
I am not exactly where I thought I would be, in my ‘thirty-something’ years, however, I am proud of myself for finally putting the wheels in motion to be able to get where I want to be. I want to make 2015 the year that I can finally feel good about myself. I need to become more self-aware and figure out what it is that will make me a more fulfilled, confident and happy individual…
- Participating in Veganuary will allow me to educate myself on the ingredients that are put in our food. It will also allow me to experiment with different ingredients that I have never cooked with before! (Poor Edward!)
- Participating in dry January will help to detox my body (especially after a naughty Christmas) and be a great kick-start to a healthy 2015.
- I will do something everyday that makes me feel proud and can make me smile.
- I will continue to find new ways to exercise that excite me, as it will hold my interest and attention. My goal is to feel comfortable in my own skin, so this is what I will work towards.
- I will learn to be positive about myself and to focus on the good things.
- To steal the words of a profoundly inspiring woman… “t – take care of my instrument – personally & bodily (exercise) try to enjoy myself when I can – I’ll be miserable enough as it is.” Marilyn Monroe.
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