I am always looking for fun and exciting ways to workout so I was especially thrilled when I discovered Clubbercise, a Zumba inspired dance class with funky tunes, glow sticks and disco lights! It’s hard to find a class that has you smiling the whole way through, whilst giving you a full body workout. Not only was I beaming throughout the class, I left feeling energised and happy.

Clubbercise at Pineapple Studios, London
I arrived at Pineapple Studios in Covent Garden for a Clubbercise pop-up class. Anna, our class leader, introduced herself to her eager students, handed out the reusable glow sticks, dimmed the lights and turned up the volume on the familiar 90s music. Having seen Clubbercise mentioned on the This Girl Can website, I knew that this was going to be a fun class without feeling nervous or judged. This Girl Can promotes activities for women that want to workout without feeling self-conscious.
“This Girl Can is a national campaign developed by Sport England and a wide range of partnership organisations. It’s a celebration of active women up and down the country who are doing their thing no matter how well they do it, how they look or even how red their face gets.” This Girl Can
It is a great campaign, especially for those that want to try something new, or for those that are trying to get fit, but are stifled by embarrassment or feeling shy about classes with strangers. Clubbercise is about having a go and having fun. As long as you keep moving it doesn’t matter what you look like or if you turn the wrong way. Besides, the darkened room hides many an incorrect movement. No scary ballet teacher adjusting your gait or sternly assessing you!
“It was a complete fluke that the darkness created that… makes people feel more confident.” Claire Burlison Green

Disco Lights!
Anna led an upbeat and fast-paced class incorporating familiar dance moves, such as a grape-vine and even squeezed in a few exercises such as squats to further work the body. The movements with the glow sticks work your arms as well as create a spectrum of lights swirling about. Anna has a clear voice that left no doubt as to your next movement. This is useful in a busy class as fewer people will bump into you! Her high energy and enthusiasm was contagious and she kept her pupils in sync, displaying clear levels of experience and confidence, without hesitating.
“It’s about the music and the atmosphere and as an aside, you’re getting fit at the same time.” Claire Burlison Green
After an hour of bouncing and dancing (and singing along to some classic tunes) I was definitely glowing! The energy in the room was palpable and people left the class with such enthusiasm and energy, despite the exercise! I felt great and I will definitely be going back.
What do you need to bring?
- A large water bottle
- Trainers and flexible workout clothes, preferably neon!
- Warm clothes to go home in (most spaces do not have showers)
- Co-ordination and energy!
What do they provide?
- The reusable glow sticks
- The awesome music and disco lights!

Left – Anna, our Clubbercise instructor with Healthy Living London’s Hannah. Right – the awesome 90’s pop diva, Rozalla, who came to dance!
Clubbercise is expanding; they run training courses for people that are interested in running their own Clubbercise class. This means that classes are popping up all over the UK and even abroad! Each time someone joins the training course, Clubbercise donates to Oxfam.
“Every time someone does the training course, we donate to Oxfam. There’s over 1,000 instructors now. We’ve helped over 10,000 people get access to clean drinking water. In class, we drink so much water. To me, it’s one of the basics of life.” Claire Burlison Green
I really enjoyed Clubbercise and I hope more people train to become instructors so that there will be more classes in London, plus, I admire the company for supporting a charity.
Find Out More:
Who’s it for?
Anyone who loves to dance and have a laugh. It is especially fun with friends.
How much?
It depends on your location.
Where is my nearest class?
Find a class here.
Virgin Active are currently hosting Clubbercise classes called Pulse, so if you’re a member, enjoy!
More information:
Website, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, You Tube
Read my interview with co-founder Claire Burlison Green here.
*Health Advice: Consult with your doctor before beginning any exercise program.
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