Congratulations to all those who ran the London marathon this weekend, you’re awesome! Chris Roberts, a rehabilitation therapist and sports conditioning expert, has teemed up with cryotherapy brand Biofreeze, to share his top tips on how to recover after the London marathon and he has shared his tips with Healthy Living London’s readers…

Rehabilitation therapist and sports conditioning expect, Chris Roberts.
Top Tips On How To Recover After the London Marathon
What are the best ways to avoid injuries during a marathon?
I would recommend pre-event massage and an effective warm-up routine. It’s also important to remember that diet plays a large part in issues such as muscle cramps and advice can be sought from nutritional experts and dietitians.
What are the most common injuries post-marathon?
The injuries I most commonly see post-event are Runner’s Knee, Achilles Tendonitis, Hamstring Issues and Iliotibial Band Syndrome (ITBS). Most of these injuries can be treated with a combination of cryotherapy, deep tissue massage and myofascial release.
Is it possible for the initial injury strain, post-race, to seem worse than the ultimate issue occurring?
It is certainly possible. It’s important to follow a post-event recovery program or an athlete can show signs of over training. This, in turn, can mask injuries which can then become worse over time. The initial 48 hours post event is a good time to assess the body for potential injuries if they have gone unnoticed so far.
What other sports are good for replacing running during injury?
Cycling, walking, and swimming are good replacements for running whilst injured due to their low/non-impact natures.
Why is cryotherapy so essential for injury prevention?
Cryotherapy products are classified as topical analgesics, which work through a ‘counter irritant’ mechanism. This means that the Isopropyl Alcohol in Biofreeze creates a sensation that overrides pain signals to the brain. This process is known as ‘Gate Control Theory’, where nerve impulses from one stimulus block the nerves containing pain signals to the brain. The cold sensation also causes Vaso-constriction which aids in the prevention of injury by preventing swelling and irritation. It is important to remember that cryotherapy only provides temporary pain relief and is not a long-term solution if injury does occur.
How long should you leave an injury before applying cryotherapy items such as Biofreeze?
An injury should be assessed by a professional before any sort of topical therapy should be applied.
How long after running a marathon would you recommend trying to run again?
I would recommend waiting 48 hours post-event before running again. It’s important to participate in a form of post-eventrecovery program to maintain base levels of fitness and minimise injury post-event.

Biofreeze can help aid recovery.
Find Out More:
Chris Roberts – Website
Biofreeze – Website
Where to buy – Boots
*Health Advice: It is advisable to consult with your doctor before beginning any new exercise program or treatment.
Such helpful tips. Thank you fro sharing the top tips in recovering after a marathon.